Haikal Sufiyan

Haikal Sufiyan Senior Analyst



About Haikal

Haikal is a Senior Research Analyst at Euromonitor International.



Haikal is part of the research team in Singapore that handles home and tech research and client engagements. His focus is on home and tech industries, connecting with clients to share insights of industries such as home and garden.

Related to Appliances and Electronics


Smart Tech Empowers Consumer Appliances Market: AWE 2024

Tim Chuah

Tim Chuah

17 May 24

The Appliances & Electronics World Expo (AWE) is among the top three global exhibitions for home appliances and consumer electronics. The event is held every year in March in Shanghai with this year’s theme being “Smartize the Future”. More than 1,000 brands were showcased at the expo, offering attendees the chance to experience the latest in technological innovation.


Clean Sweep - Innovation Driving Sales of Vacuum Cleaners in China

Tim Chuah

Tim Chuah

17 May 24

The Chinese vacuum cleaner market is the most competitive and innovative. Brands are known to launch two new models a year, trying to compete with each other through innovation. These brands are now at the cutting edge of technological development, particularly evident in self-cleaning wet and dry vacuum models. Euromonitor International analyses the current state of play in this article.


Cold Wash: Embracing a Central Growth Strategy in Laundry Care

Filip Hoffmann-Häußler

Filip Hoffmann-Häußler

26 Apr 24

There are structural government and industry shifts that continue to increase the prominence of cold wash, and there is a hard fact that will drive it beyond opposition. If every home on the planet used an automatic washing machine with the energy-inefficient hot wash behaviours of today, that would dramatically increase global household electricity use against an existing energy supply shortfall in developed and developing markets, and a looming CO2 emissions crisis.
